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The real Bee's Journey

Cancer & Palliative Care Therapies

Helping families find beauty and a sense of connect with themselves and with their community through gentle disciplines such as Massage, Reflexology, Meditation & Yoga. 

Studies have shown that therapeutic treatments improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, help with pain tolerance and nausea and improve general quality of life. These factors may sound minor in the face of other more dramatic issues, however, these are the issues that tend to cause the most distress and misery for those suffering and leaves family members feeling all the more helpless. 

Gold Ribbon

'C' is for: Compassion & Connectedness

 When we get sick, those around us can become fearful and back away leaving us feeling isolated and cut off. While caring for my own mother through cancer, I know the importance of retaining a sense of connectedness and have made it my aim to care for you and your loved ones as if you were my own. Helping you regain a sense of self, empowering loved ones to be able to reconnect and giving you space to just 'be'. 


Pressure Points

Each moment is Unique

Each Session is tailor made to the individual, taking into consideration the diagnoses, supportive measures, treatment plans, family members and also how you feel on the day. Holistic therapies for Cancer and Palliative care are not like standard massage therapy sessions where the hands on therapy lasts for a set time. The body is more reactive, more sensitive and vulnerable. Sessions may include gentle movements, peaceful meditation, mindful breathing as well as hands on therapy,  such as gentle, comforting massage techniques and reflexology.

normally sessions such as these are £60


I offer this to cancer patients for £40.


Home and Hospice visits can also be arranged


For more information:

Pressure Points
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